Faixa traz participação da violoncelista Tina Guo Por Luiz Athayde
Tag: Symphonic Power Metal
Kamelot shares lyric video for the new single “Opus Of The Night (Ghost Requiem)”
Track features cellist Tina Guo By Luiz Athayde
Edu Falaschi anuncia novo álbum; “Eldorado”
Registro integra a segunda parte da trilogia iniciada em Vera Cruz Por Luiz Athayde
Edu Falaschi announces new album; “Eldorado”
Record integrates the second part of the trilogy started in Vera Cruz By Luiz Athayde
Visions Of Atlantis anuncia álbum ao vivo e compartilha performance de “Pirates Will Return”
‘Pirates Over Wacken’ sai no fim de março via carimbo Napalm Records Por Luiz Athayde
Visions Of Atlantis announces live album and shares performance of “Pirates Will Return”
‘Pirates Over Wacken’ comes out at the end of March via Napalm Records stamp By Luiz Athayde
Soulspell faz tributo ao Silver Blade no cover “Carpe Diem”
Projeto vem de uma sucessão de versões para grandes e obscuros nomes do heavy metal Por Luiz Athayde
Soulspell pays tribute to Silver Blade with “Carpe Diem” cover
Project comes from a succession of versions for great and obscure heavy metal names By Luiz Athayde
Vulpecula faz sua estreia com o single “Crystallite Dream”
Banda com membros e ex-membros do Fellowship, Viirtan Rise e Fairy of Astral Por Luiz Athayde
Vulpecula makes its debut with the single “Crystallite Dream”.
Band featuring members and former members of Fellowship, Viirtan Rise and Fairy of Astral By Luiz Athayde